Some Reformation Resources

I had a delightful time last Sunday night at our Special Lecture on the Reformation. It was a joy to see so many brothers and sisters curious and inquisitive (but not inquisitional- haha couldn't resist the joke) about the Reformation era. 

If you didn't get a chance to join, the lecture is available here on YouTube:

Protestant Christianity - Reformation Roots 

There are several resources that I've found helpful in studying the reformation over the years. Whether you are an avid student of church history or are someone who has only recently heard of the Reformation, I hope that these resources will be of benefit to you. I've tried to include something of a variety of resources in the style of presentation, and depth of study. I hope wherever you are in your Christian walk, these are of benefit to you as they have been of benefit to me. 

Bruce Gore's church history lecture series:

Bruce has a fantastic playlist in which he lectures in his local church Sunday school covering many giants of the Christian church. This playlist consists of roughly 1-hour videos and you'll find episodes #15-33 particularly focused on the people, places, and events leading up to and during the Reformation era of Europe. Bruce's series is by far the most friendly and introductory for anyone wishing to begin to learn about the people, places, and events that have been world-shaping for Christian beliefs and living.

Carl Trueman's reformation lecture series:

Dr. Trueman does a fantastic job of providing both an engaging and informative lecture series primarily focused on the life and role of Martin Luther in the Reformation. This is a recorded lecture series for a seminary-level class, so there is some expectation that the listener may have familiarity with names, places, and concepts that will not get thorough explanations by Dr. Trueman within the lecture itself. This is a great series for those who already have some familiarity with the Reformation and would like to dig a bit deeper into the context of Luther.

John Gerstner's "Handout Church History" lecture series:

Dr. Gerstner's lecture series is fantastic as an introduction both to the theological roots of various Christian traditions and in particular the beliefs which are held dear by many today among modern Bible-believing Protestants. For someone who has no familiarity with church history and the grand overview of the last 2,000 years of how God's people have understood God's Word, this is an exceptional resource to learn from.

Justo Gonzalez's books on Christian history:

Dr. Gonzalez's two-volume history of the story of Christianity is the premier handbook giving notable mention to nearly every bit of Christian doctrine, every scandal, and every event of notoriety since the resurrection of Jesus. Throughout my time in seminary (2010-2013) these books were my "Wikipedia" for all things church history. Both volumes are not written with an academic tone. Making them easy for any interested person to pick them up and begin reading. Rather than a dry "put me to sleep pace", Dr. Gonzalez puts historical figures in context to demonstrate their impact on shaping the story of Christianity. 

The Story of Christianity - Volume 1 The Early Church to the Dawn of the Reformation

The Story of Christianity - Volume 2 The Reformation to the Present Day

I hope you find these resources helpful and encouraging to you in the midst of your walk with the Lord! 


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