Dr. Gary Habermas' lecture on the "minimal facts" argument for New Testament reliability.

I typically don't share academic lectures (because they are mostly boring in presentation). However, this lecture is a wonderful walkthrough of the historical reliability of the New Testament with every contemporary objection regarding historicity (historical truth based on evidence and method) considered.

If you'd like a resource to consider the truth or deceit of the New Testament claims regarding the resurrection of Jesus, this is a fantastic starting spot. Questions about miracles, dating of original texts, comparative timelines, and eye-witness vs secondhand accounts are all considered.
Be warned, it is an academic lecture (not a sermon, not a podcast, not a comedy sketch). For about the first 30 minutes the lecturer introduces the topic and gives the classic lines of historical argumentation regarding New Testament reliability. At around 31 minutes the lecturer begins to present his thesis as to a "minimal facts" case for the New Testament's reliability. It is this "minimal facts" case that he concludes is why the growing majority of New Testament critical scholars (even those who are opposed to Christianity) consider the New Testament to be reliable history.


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