Serving in our next ministry opportunity

Since the birth of our third living child (2018) both Amy and I have had questions about serving in ministry moving forward. On the day I sent out an email to our friends and supporters that we were stepping away from G&G after helping pioneer that ministry a Pastor friend gave me a call within a few minutes of the email going out. He asked me what my plans were next and if I was interested in continuing to serve in ministry. I don't remember what I exactly said, but I believe the gist of it was "not at the moment, I need to focus on my family". 

In 2019 that same Pastor who called me extended a job offer to begin working with him in ministry. This period of time was blissful and I cannot imagine things going better. I frequently would comment to Amy "If every church could be like this, there would be no problems in churches!!!". To say this time of serving was a shelter, a period of work, and rejuvenation would be an understatement. Our kids learned to sit together in worship (for the first time as a family!!!) at this church. Our kids learned that people with lots of hair, white hair, or no hair can all serve in the family of God. Our family learned (and is still learning) how to love one another amongst many Godly examples. Covid-19 hit and I have never been more amazed at the gifting, leadership, and cohesiveness of God's people than this year. This church, especially it's leadership, was challenged with numerous unforeseen challenges. Prayer was always central in every activity, plan, action response, and meeting. I'm happy to have had a time of shelter, work, and rejuvenation with God's people at this church. 

Over the course of this fall I've had the privilege to candidate for a full time pastoral position at a church in Bunker Hill Illinois (You can access the church's facebook page here). This past week the church voted unanimously to extend a call to serve as their full time pastor. After prayerful consideration Amy and I have decided to accept the call and begin our next ministry opportunity. 

I'm excited that the Lord has answered our specific prayers in this way and that he is pleased to use our family for the service of his people. I do not know what 2021 will hold, and I do not know what the next five minutes will hold! No matter what the future holds I know that Christ Jesus lived, died, and rose again for sinners such as me, and I cannot stop proclaiming his grace, his goodness, and his glory. If I cannot get busy with escaping from this grace of God, I should submit and get busy with proclaiming God's Word. 


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