What were they waiting for? (Genesis)

Genesis is filled with stories of people waiting! From the very outset humanities rebellion against God we see Adam and Eve waiting for God's provision as they are expelled from the Garden.We read of Noah and his family waiting for years before the flood came (Genesis 6-8). We read of Noah and his family waiting for the flood waters to rise, subside, and dry up. We read of people in the plains of Shinar waiting to ascend to the heavens through the construction of a massive tower (Genesis 11:1-9). We read of a man named Abram who had to wait for his promised land, promised heir, and promised blessing. Across a wide variety of circumstances, waiting is a dominant theme. 

Abraham (formerly Abram) was old before his heir was born (Genesis 21), and even older when his son took a wife (Genesis 24). Isaac had to wait till he was 60 (Gen 25:26) before he and his wife Rebekah had twins (Jacob & Esau). Jacob had to wait to marry a wife, and after all that waiting, he was given the sister of the woman he had agreed to marry! (Genesis 29). So Jacob again waited for his bride and worked again for 7 years to marry the wife of his choosing. Jacob had to wait for the morning as he strove with the angel of God (Genesis 32). Jacob had to wait for deliverance from Esau vengeance (Genesis 33). Joseph had to wait as he sat in a hole after he had been betrayed by his brothers (Genesis 37). He then had to wait in prison after serving faithfully in Egyptian society (Genesis 39-41). Joseph's brothers waited for Joseph to vengeance upon the death of their father Jacob, but instead of vengeance, Joseph promised provision (Genesis 50:20-22). 

The focus of Genesis continually grows throughout each generation. Family isn't some man made ideology. Family at its core reflects God's order in creation. The continuation of the family of Adam and Eve is a continuation of God's promise to reverse the curse proclaimed in Genesis 3:15. The family and threats to it are made all throughout Genesis. The family in which God continually was at work was the family of Adam, Noah, Abram, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph and his brothers. The only thing more consistent than danger to this family and it's lineage is the consistent provision by God. 

Genesis tells of a great many beginnings. The beginning of the world, the beginning of humanity, the beginning of rebellion, the beginning of God's provision. Genesis gives us a foundation for understanding why the world is the way that it presently is. Genesis also leaves a great many questions. How will the promises given by God to Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and come to fruition? At the very outset of the Bible were given glimpses that despite the way things are, this is not how things will always remain. 


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