Recording Sermons

I often try to post material here that friends, family, brothers and sisters in Christ may hopefully find useful.

There are two churches I've been blessed to preached at occasionally over the last few years. Both of these churches have exceptional volunteers who record audio for sermons. Most recently I've preached on Acts 2 and Acts 4 at a church called Trinity. You can find some of my sermons on their website at the bottom of the web page:

I've also been blessed to preach at what is now the home church of myself and my family called Heritage. You can find some of my sermons on their website using their filter at the top of the web page:

It's a great blessing for myself and for others for sermons to be recorded. When either my wife or I miss worship due to travel, illness, or serving with children outside of worship, it's great to have a resource to go back and listen to throughout the week.

Whether it's mowing the yard, driving somewhere, going for a walk or run, or simply processing paperwork at a desk, having the ability to listen to the Word of God expounded is a great thing to have. Consider that prior to audio recording, a sermon once preached, or a word once spoken, could only be repeated by another person. Thanks to living in the present age, we can benefit spiritually, emotionally, psychologically, from the technology available to us.

During my brief time serving at Gospel & Gaming (a missions organization from 2013-2018) it was a priority to upload as much as we possibly could for the benefit of our very geographically dispersed community. Today, I'm thankful for volunteers who make it their practice to continually provide audio for the benefit of others.


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