Luke 1:5-45. Some prep and notes.

The latest project I've been working on is a sermon on Luke 1 for a local church launching their Advent celebrations.

The text I've been working on is Luke 1:5-45. I'll share in this post some of my initial observations and notes -

This text (Luke 1:5-45) includes the following characters:

Herod (v 5)
Zechariah (V 5, 8, 12, 13, 18, 21, 40)
Elizabeth (V 5, 7, 13, 24, 26, 36, 40, 41)
Temple worshipers (V 10, 21, 22)
Gabriel (V 11, 19, 26)
Baby John the Baptist (V 13)
Mary (V 26, 29, 30, 34, 38, 39, 41)

There are several comparisons that can be made within this passage.

1. A comparison between the messages delivered from Gabriel to Zechariah and to Mary.

2. A comparison between the reception of the message delivered to Zechariah, Elizabeth, and Mary.

3. A comparison between the conception of the son of Zechariah & Elizabeth with the son of Mary.

4. A comparison between Gabriel's responses to Zechariah's questions and Mary's questions.

5. A comparison between the silence of Zechariah with loud voice of Elizabeth (v 42).

6. A comparison in the pregnancy of Elizabeth with the pregnancy of Mary.

I'm sure there are more comparisons to make, but these are some of the first that have come to my attention.

I'm fairly certain at this point of my prayerful study that the nature and focus of this passage, and thereby the sermon I am to preach, is not focused on a particular moral behavior or attitude. In other words, I don't see a "be like X" or "do more Y" or "refrain from Z" sort of application in this narrative. Rather, the focus of these accounts recorded by Luke is on the divine, "otherworldly" and, supernaturally appointed conception and births of the herald of heaven (John) and the Son of Man (Jesus).

There may yet be other focuses that God chooses to press upon my heart and mouth for this upcoming week's sermon. For now I'm convicted that the marvel, rarity, and unique moment that is told in Luke 1 ought to amaze our ears, encourage our faith, and challenge us to great depths of worship of the Holy Trinity who planned, established, and fulfilled this marvelous moment in redemptive history.


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