What I wrote to my session regarding Revoice....

Over the summer I was instructed by my pastor to write a letter to the church leadership (In the Presbyterian Church of America this group of male leaders is called a "session"- some denominations and churches call this a "consistory" "board" or "team").

I've held back from sharing my letter to the session over the summer because until the session had a chance to formally respond I felt it inappropriate to do so. I've had friends, pastors, elders, and family ask me for the letter, and I've tried to faithfully keep the letter to myself or other members of my local church until such a time as the leadership of my local church had opportunity to respond.

I want to make it very clear - I only wrote a letter to my session, because upon inquiring with the session some general questions, concerns, and potential excitement about the teaching, organization, and ministry of Revoice my pastor instructed me to provide a letter.

Today the session met with a ministry leader and ordained teaching elder who specializes in ministering to Christians who struggle with various forms of sexual sin (These included adultery, pornography, homosexuality, and more).  This leader is not on staff with Revoice, although his organization does share some (at least 1) employee with Revoice.

There was a time of historical context (giving background regarding the various changes in sexual norms in American society since 1969), particular contemporary context (regarding ministries & organizations: Exodus International, Gay Christian Network, Queer Fellowship, Spiritual Friendship, and Revoice) followed by Q&A from members of the session, members of the local church to the ministry specialist. We then closed in a time of prayer, and then had a time for followup discussion with questions addressed to the session of the church in particular.

Today's meeting effectually ended official actions, statements, or discussions by the local church I'm a member at regarding Revoice. Further discussions that may or may not take place have been instructed to take place one on one or in small groups with pastors and elders.

I found the discussion incredibly insightful, caring, and was delighted to hear from so many different brothers (and sisters! My wife and a few other ladies present) in sharing a desire to see Christ glorified in his church.

I'm publishing my letter to my session at this time for the following reasons:

1. I feel a strong conviction that others would benefit from a template or thoughts of a Bible believing Christian that has graduated Covenant Seminary (which has come under no little scrutiny over the summer) and that currently holds membership in the PCA (which Revoice was held in a PCA church in 2018).

2. I believe the session of my local church has now had ample time to read, and respond both to my own letter and to concerns and excitement surrounding the teaching that took place during Revoice 2018.

3. While not exhaustive, I believe my letter covers a wide arrangement of questions that is representative not only of my own curiosity, but of several questions that were raised during and as a result of the teaching at Revoice 2018.

4. I'm convinced that at this point my local church leadership considers concerns around Revoice to be summarized and responded to. Further discussions on the topic will be handled in one-on-one situations with pastors or elders, rather than as formal concerns at session meetings (where official church policy decisions are made).

If you would like a PDF copy of this letter, you can email me at toman.jp@gmail.com requesting a copy of the letter.

May God be glorified, his church preserved, and the truth of God's Kingdom be proclaimed in love. 


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