Shared themes of Jude's menacing warnings found in Jude 1:11

The past few months I've had the opportunity to preach at two local churches in the St. Louis region. Both times I was afforded the opportunity to choose the sermon text, and so I've been working on studying through the book of Jude. It's been quite a fascinating book and I have previously shared some of the word study findings that have intrigued me during my study. The following are the methods I plan to use in further studying one verse in particular (focusing on 4 clauses). For some of you, this may be incredibly boring. For me, this has been incredibly edifying and has refined my own beliefs and understanding of how the New Testament uses the Old Testament.

I plan to release further excerpts of my study as they are made readable (my published work isn't spectacular, and my drafts leave even more to be desired haha). I hope that through this I and others might gain some considerable insight into God's Word. 


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