Some Bible Reading Questions

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Over the last few months I've been focused on proclaiming pretty regularly personal time in prayer, and the necessity of daily reading of God's Word. 

I've been encouraged to hear from some that they have begun reading the Bible, or have been reading with fresh eyes and an eager heart. I've even been encouraged to hear some wrestling with different passages or parts of the Bible. Why would other's struggle be a source of encouragement? Because these individuals haven't given up! They find challenges, they encounter obstacles, they read passages that are confusing, or maybe are less than exciting to read, and they persevere! Anyone can read something when it is eminently clear. It takes strength and a force of will to continue reading when frustration or confusion arises! 

For those of you who are reading your Bible regularly, below are some suggestions to help you as you come across a passage that is a challenge. For some this could be a verse or a single word, for others it could be whole chapters or even books of the Bible that are a challenge. These are some of the questions I use as I study both personally in my own time, and when I'm preparing to teach or preach. Not every question is equally helpful for every challenge you may face. This is why I think of these questions as a tool kit. Each question can have a different use in a different setting. Some questions are more helpful than others at various times. May you grow in your knowledge, faith, and hope as you read your Bible, earnestly pursuing clarity of understanding God's Word and God's ways. 

"Bible Reading Questions Toolkit"

  1. What is the simple or plain reading of this passage? 

    1. Are there phrases, words, concepts, or situations that seem strange, odd, unusual, or stand out with a simple reading?

    2. What words or concepts are emphasized with a simple/plain reading? 

  2. What is the literary genre of this text? 

    1. How does the text go about communicating an idea, is it through poetry, narrative, declarations, statements, dialogue, prophecy, something else?

    2. Has the author ever given a statement regarding purpose in the passage/text?

    3. What styles does this author use that differentiate the book from other books of the Bible?

    4. How does this passage differ from other passages even in the same genre in the Bible? 

  3. What is the context of the passage?

    1. Is this passage in the OT or NT?

    2. What is the status of God’s relationship to his people in this passage (or book)?

    3. Who or what is the problem at hand as described by the book?

    4. What do we know about the historical period of the book itself?

    5. Are there any words that stand out as key in the passage?

    6. Would these “key” words change the passage if they were translated differently?

  4. Does this passage cite, quote, or allude to any other passages in scripture or outside of scripture? 

    1. Is there a direct quote from another passage?

    2. Is there a reference to another occurrence in the Bible?

    3. Does the text reference something that is outside of scripture? 

  5. What of my own preconceptions, and baggage am I bringing to the table?

    1. Have I heard teaching on this passage before?

    2. Do I have an instant reaction (or opinion) to the passage?

    3. Why am I moved (or unmoved) by this passage? 

    4. How would someone who doesn’t share my experiences differ in reading this passage?

  6. What might change if this passage wasn't in the Bible?

    1. Would we lose out on some aspects of our faith?

    2. Would we miss out on some aspects of God's character?

    3. Would we miss out on some truth about humanity?

  7. Does this passage relate to Christ?

    1. Does this passage speak of a NEED for Christ?

    2. Does this passage reveal an aspect of Christ’s work?

    3. Does this passage endear us to love Christ? 

    4. Does this passage stir us towards following Christ?


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